(H.V.) Unit 4.2

Q.10. Explain how production activities can be enriching to all the orders of nature. Give any two examples.                                                                           (2009-10)
Ans.        The production activities can be exriching to all the orders of nature. These are already taking place in it.
Once a plant starts to grow in nature, it manages its own fertilizer, its own water. We don’t have to “manage” anything for it, it is not that we ‘grow’ trees today. Trees and plants grow of their own accord. We can only facilitate that process, by first understanding it, and then learning the skills. The basic requirements for human and animal survival are already occurring in nature. We do not produce something in nature, we are only extending the process of production.
Rice and wheat anyway grow in nature, we only work out how we can have more of it, or only certain varieties in a given land mass - we call this agriculture. Even today, most of the work in basic production is being done by nature: for example, in agriculture, most of our effort is in sowing, collecting and storing the food. Rest of the work is being done by nature.
Hence, when we are talking of production, it is desirable to extend this production system that is already inherently present in nature, which is cyclic and mutually enriching. For example, guavas are grown in nature, we eat them and finally it goes back to soil through human excreta. We can extend this process by making jam or jelly out of guava and eat the jam or jelly. This making of jam or jelly is production, which is essentially an extension of the cyclic production process already taking place in nature. If we start paying attention, it is very much possible for human being to ensure production process which is cyclic and enriching for nature. So, if aware, a human being can be enriching for nature in a much more effective manner than an animal can do.

Q.11. How is recyclability useful for sustainable production activities.         (2010 - 11)
Ans. Recyclability: -
Recyclability is very good for human because we can use a thing with different types. When we use thing once, it has gone useless but recyclability make it useful again.
It is heartening to see that the markets for a large number of recyclable materials are growing. This is mainly on account of the policy incentives provided by the public authorities and the logistic support provided by them in respect of such recycled materials. In some cases the buyers themselves may be reluctant to buy recycled products due to lack of requisite information about the quality of the recycled products. In developed and efficient markets, such key information is propagated and shared with all the stakeholders. 
Recycled paper faced problems of acceptance in the past and retreaded tyres face such problems even now. Manufacturers of recycled products normally expect a lot of support. In its absence, they may not be motivated to go in for producing such recycled products.
It may lead to inefficient product design. Plastic packaging is an important area where design matters a lot.
In view of the high search and transactional costs involved, it would be difficult for both the buyers and sellers to have a meeting point and strike out a fair price deal. Certain types of construction and demolition waste are associated with high search and transaction costs.
If only sellers could access info on the recycled products without any sharing with the buyers, the former may tend to compromise on the quality as well. There could be situations wherein problems of water contamination could result in used lubricating oils due to improper monitoring of collection schemes.
Using of renewable resources of energy could make the earth a more worthy place to live. Man has to somewhere draw a line between his immediate requirements to satisfy his comforts and luxuries and the ethical obligation for him to leave the natural resources for the consumption of the future generations. Only when natural resources are not destroyed for fulfilling his unceasing greed, the path to conservation begins. In every thought, speech and action, one has to focus on maintaining the natural harmony and cosmic order. By inculcating these ideas from the early days of education, the mind of the children gets broader with a deeper vision and clear understanding of the ecology, environment and natural order.

Q.12. What do you mean by Existence and Co-existence.
Ans. Existence and co-existence: -
Existence and co-existence rest on the principle “live and let others live.” Existence refers to the state of being of the Universe. Co-existence refers to the art of living without disturbing the harmony and beauty of the natural order. There should be peaceful coexistence. The Universe offers so much that there is scope for all of us to happily live. One should lead a life which is in harmony and peace with all other stakeholders of the Universe like animals, birds, plants, trees, planets and so on. This will ensure the equilibrium of the cosmic order. We need to respect the right of living of other beings in the Universe. Human Being alone cannot be considered as the sole beneficiary of creation. All have their respective place in the Universe. A deeper understanding of this will enable one to live in a synergistic manner.
The Universe runs based on a grand cosmic plan and every being rightfully deserves a space in it. Take anything and for that matter feelings, emotions, knowledge, energies and so on do not operate as islands. But there is an undercurrent which connects them in the form of the super consciousness. This holds the Universe together. This makes one understand and appreciate the role of the cosmic consciousness and sensitise him to the grand concept of interconnectedness. By developing this understanding, the spiritual consciousness gets awakened and this alone would integrate the human beings across the globe and raise them to greater heights.

Q.13. Existence is co-existence of mutually interacting units in all-pervasive space. Explain.                                                                                                                                      (2010 - 11)
Related Questions - 
Q. ‘Existence is Co-existence’. Give your opinion.                                              (2011-12)
Q. Explain briefly the co-existence of units in space. How is science related to this understanding?                                                                              (2012 - 13)
Q. What do you understand by ‘Co-existence in existence?                              (2013 - 14)        
Ans. The units are mutually fulfilling to other units. This is being in co-existence. 
The figure depicts all the four ordes (material, plant/bio, animal and human) and their co-existence with space. We saw that units co-exist in space or units are submerged in space. They are inter-related in existence.
We have categorized units into two types
(i) Material or jada units: -
They have the activities of recognizing and fulfilment.
They are temporary in nature, they undergo structural changes. We also call them gathansila.
(ii) Concious or Chaitanya units: - They have activities of knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilment. Currently, assuming, recognizing and fulfilment are predominant in humans. We have the capacity to know, and we explore this via our natural accpetance. “Knowing” means having the ‘right understanding’, understanding the harmony at all four levels of our being.
They are continuous, there is no structural change in them. There can only be a qualitative change in them. We also call them gathanpurna.
So existence is in the form of co-existence. It is in harmony. We don’t have to create this harmony, it already exists. We only have to understand it to be in it. This means that having the knowledge of existence and knowledge of self (‘I’) gives me the knowledge of human conduct (how to live in existence, with the four orders). With this knowledge, I can live with human conduct. 

Q.14. What do you mean by holistic harmony.
Ans. One has to live in holistic harmony in a delightful manner, fully integrated with the natural order. Holistic harmony is all round harmony in terms of self harmony, family harmony, social harmony and Universal harmony. One shall calm the mind and not allow himself to be devoured by worries. He has not to think about the past and the cocern of the future. He shall concentrate and focus on the present, which is in front of him and make the best use of it by inernalizing the harmony of the nature. He can be happy despite being bound by numerous constraints in terms of people, prosperity, power. The problems to be faced may be complex as well. Many a time man falters because he loses his balance when confronted with a tragedy or monetary loss or breach of trust or failure. When one accepts reality without a sense of attachment, he does not get affected deeply by external happenings. This stage is difficult to attain but not impossible. He becomes stronger mentally on realizing the inherent power of the Self. He can unleash the tremendous spiritual power and scale greater heights of fulfillment and delight. When he righteously harnesses the latent and dormant spiritual energy from within, he understands that happiness is not dependent on any external source but it is his nature. It is enough if he makes sincere efforts to understand this, as it is something that he already has but he does not have the knowledge about it.
By having a holistic perception of harmony in one’s own self, in the family, in the society and in the Universe, life becomes peaceful and meaningful. Proper recognition of the interconnectedness of the various sub-systems makes one to lead a life which is compatible with the natural order. As man begins to respect the beauty of the bio-diversity, his thought, speech and action gets attuned to the nurturing and nourishment of the nature. Thus through holistic harmony, earth becomes a better, safer and enjoyable place to live.

Q.15. What do you understand by the value of an entity ? What is the value of a human being ?                                                                                   (2009-10)
Ans. Value of an Entity: -
Each order has a certain value. In a fundamental way, this is the ‘usefulness’ or ‘participation’ of the order in existence. This ‘value’ or ‘participation’ is also referred to as “natural characteristic”. The ‘characteristic’ the order displays is ‘natural to itself’. This is the same as the value of the entity, or its participation also called ‘svabhava’.
The human body belongs to the plant/bio order and hence has the same Svabhava or value/natural characteristic as the pranic order. It either nurtures or worsens other pranic units. When I digest the vegetable, I absorb the plant and it worsens, while my body is nurtured.
The svabhava/value of the self (‘I’) in human beings is ‘Perseverance (dbirata), Bravery (Virata) and Generosity (Udarata).
Perseverance (dhirata) : Being assured that the all encompassing solution is to understand and live in harmony at all levels of existence, living with this commitment without any perturbation.
Bravery (virata) : Being assured that the all-encompassing solution is to understand and live in harmony at all levels and I am ready to help the other to have the right understanding. This is the commitment to help the other have the right understanding of the harmony and living at all levels of existence.
Generosity (udarata) : Being assured that the all-encompassing solution is to understand and live in harmony at all the four levels and I am ready to invest myself, my body and wealth to help the other have the right understanding.

Q.16 At the level of your institute, name any two programs you can take to establish harmony with nature.                                                                  (2010 - 11)
Ans. Plantation, Animal husbandary.

Q.17. Explain the differences and similarities between pranic order and animal order. What is the relation between the two orders?      (2011 - 12)
Ans. There are some differences between Pranic order and animal order - 

Both order is composed of a number of ‘things’. Each one of these ‘things’ is called a ‘unit’. Each unit in both order can be understood as an ‘activity’ (or kriya). Each unit in existence exhibits an innateness, an intrinsic quality that can not be seperated from it. We call it ‘Innateness’ or ‘Dharama’ of that unit. Both order has its Natural characteristic or Svabhava. Each unit ‘conforms’ through the principle of conformance or anu-sangita. The relationship between the two orders is interconnectedness and mutually fulfilling. The  animal order helps enrich the soil with its excreta and this excreta helps the plants with nutrients. The pranic order provides food for animal, birds, fishes. The animal order helps in pollination of the flowers of the pranic order.