G. K. - May 2021 - 4

1. First Indian woman civil engineer
Ans : Lalitha from Madras in 1937

2. Who is known as king of Rock & Roll
Ans : Elvis Presley

3. Who is known as Father of Kissan Movement
Ans : Pro. N.G. Renga

4. Who was the first Indian to go to jail in performance of his duty as a Journalist
Ans : Surendranath Banerjee

5. Christiaan Barnard, the surgeon who carried out the first successful transplantation was from the country
Ans : South Africa

6. The first person to conduct heart transplantation in India was
Ans : Dr. Venugopal

7. The first Indian pilot
Ans : J.R.D Tata

8. The first woman graduate of the Calcutta University addressed the AICC session in 1890. Who was she
Ans : Kadambini Ganguly

9. Agra is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Yamuna

10. Which is the Highest Mountain Range
Ans : Himalayas

11. Which is the Highest Lake
Ans : Titicaca

12. Longest Railway Platform
Ans : Kharagpur (West Bengal)

13. Largest Church
Ans : Basilica of St. Peters in Vatican City

14. Largest Park
Ans : The Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta, Canada

15. The largest Parliament
Ans : China

16. Largest Zoo
Ans : Kruger National Park, South Africa

17. The biggest Flower
Ans : Rafflesia

18. Largest Bird
Ans : Ostrich

19. Largest Land animal
Ans : Elephant

20. Largest man-like ape
Ans : Gorilla