Rem. UIII - 4

Q.8 Expand your ideas on of the following :
(i) Educational values
(ii) There is nothing good or bad only thinking makes it so.
(iii) Atomic energy. (iv) A stitch in time save nine.     (2009-10)
Ans. Educational Values: -
Everyone has his or her own ideas about the purpose of education. One should not be surprised to find out that different societies assign different purposes to education. People have certain expectations of education, and those expectations in turn influence their teaching and learning approaches. When outside experts enter a foreign education system, they might soon find themselves making critical remarks about the education system as teaching does not take place the way they value it. When this happens it is quite possible that the purpose of education in the mind of the outside expert is different from the country’s educational purpose. This might lead to misunderstandings and frustrations for both the experts and the people they have come to assist. Although the focus of this paper is primary education, an understanding of the underlying value of an education system is also useful for people working in adult literacy or any kind of training program. Adults who attend an adult literacy class or training have expectations of education that are based on their experience with education, either from personal experience or through their children or neighbour’s children. So in order to develop a literacy programs or training that would take into account expectations on the side of receivers, it is good to understand the purpose of education in the country.
First, we review the three main values that could underlie an education system and show how these values could be realized in an education system and curriculum. Then we look at the goals of a specific educational system and relate them to the underlying educational values to identify the purpose of the education system.
1 Agatha van Ginkel wrote this article in 2002. She has been working for the Kenyan NBTO Bible Translation and Literacy East Africa (BTL) since 1995. She worked as a literacy consultant for five language groups in Kenya. She studied theology and has a teaching degree. She worked on a Masters Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Agatha helps develop curricula for adult literacy and Scripture Use and supplementary MT materials for Kenyan primary schools.
The purposes of education
Education is done with a purpose and tends to relate to three values (Littlewood 1991):
1.  Passing on valuable knowledge and culture
2.  Preparing learners as members of the society
3.  Developing learners as individuals
Often an education system is based on a combination of these values, sometimes focusing more on one than the other. These values set the goals for the different subjects. The first value, passing on valuable knowledge and culture, will often be reflected in a system-based curriculum. The second, preparing learners as members of the society, will often be reflected in a function-based curriculum, while the third, developing learners as individuals, is reflected in a process-based curriculum.
(ii) There is nothing good or bad only thinking makes it so: -
Well, if I think turning a swarm of Texas Fire Ants loose in my landlady’s bathroom is GOOD, does that make it so? SHE, on the other hand, would probably think it was BAD. So do the positive polarity on one side of the question and the negative polarity on the other cancel them both out? Well, DARN! If the whole thing ends up being neutral, then there’s really no point in me doing it, is there? In the state of Michigan, it is considered MORE than just BAD, it is ILLEGAL to put a skunk in your boss’s desk. Naturally, as with anything else, the perpetrator is not going to do it because he/she thinks it is a BAD idea, but will, rather, feel that it is a GOOD idea. However, we have to wonder if the added weight of “ILLEGAL” status tips the scales to where it no longer weighs out as neutral across the board - as it might in another state where this unique practice is NOT legislated against.
Consequently, if you are planning to put a skunk in your boss’s desk, it COULD be considered BAD in Michigan, but basically NEUTRAL elsewhere - unless your boss is seriously olfactorily challenged. In that case, it COULD elevate the status to NEUTRAL in Michigan and moderately GOOD anywhere else.
Of course, we have not yet factored into the equation what the SKUNK might think! THAT would probably depend on how well appointed your boss’s desk drawer is. If the drawer is fairly roomy, and you add a few grapes, kibbles-and-bits, or whatever, it might sway the skunk’s opinion and elevate the ethical polarity from NEUTRAL to at least moderately GOOD. (Two GOODs vs 1 BAD.)
However, in Michigan, maybe you better throw in a nice soft cushion and an extra handful of Purina Skunk Chow, because you have the added negative weight of the “ILLEGAL” thing going on there.
(iii) Atomic Energy: -
Atomic energy is energy produced by atoms.
· Nuclear energy, the energy resulting of potential difference of the nuclear force
· Nuclear reaction, a process in which two nuclei or nuclear particles collide, to produce different products than the initial products; see also nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear reactions are used to produce electrical energy by nuclear reactors
· Radioactivity, the set of various processes by which unstable atomic nuclei (nuclides) emit subatomic particles
· The energy of inter-atomic or chemical bonds, which holds atoms together in compounds.
(iv) A stitch in time save nine: -
The time is precious and once it is gone it can not come back. Even a small effort made in time leads to giant leap in future and neglecting a small problem and not attending to it leads to catastrophic failure. Time and tide wair for none. It also happens same time that any wrong development if tackled in begining requires less of the effort. But once it is allowed to grow the effort required to control or remove it may be hurculian. If right effort is given at right time then only the results could be acceptable. Indeed a stich in time saves nine.