Rem. UII - 4

Q.5 Transform the following sentences as directed against each :
(i) Who can question his sincerity? (assertive)
(ii) Has she not proved herself? (assertive)
(iii) I went to Kolkata last year. (Negative)
(iv) The knife is blunt. (Negative)
(v) I wish for a glass of water. (Exclamatory).      (2008-09)
Ans. (i) His sincerity can not be questioned.
(ii) She has not proved herself.
(iii) I did not go to Kolkata last year.
(iv) The knife is not sharp.
(v) O for a glass of water!

Q.6 Transform the following sentences into negative form :
(i) Everybody praised the boy.
(ii) Man is mortal.
(iii) I shall always remember your kindness.
(iv) He is both a fool and a knave
(v) Only a fool would do such a thing.                      (2008-09)
Ans. (i) No body praised the boy.
(ii) Man is immortal.
(iii) I shall never remember your kindness.
(iv) He is neither a fool nor a knave .
(v) Only a wiseman would not do such a thing.

Q.7 Transform the following sentences as directed against each:
(i) God will not forget the cry of the humble. (into affirmative)     (2009-10)
(ii) Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. (into negative)      (2009-10)
(iii) When can their glory fade ? (into assertive)                      (2009-10)
(iv) There is nothing better than a busy life. (into question )      (2009-10)
(v) What a piece of work is man ! (into assertive)      (2009-10)
(vi) Who will co-operate with so bad a man? (NEGATIVE)     (2010 - 11)
(vii) They have returned the parcle. (PASSIVE)                    (2010 - 11)
(viii) This is a horrible thing. (EXCLAMATORY)     (2010 - 11)
Ans. (i) God will remember the cry of the humble.
(ii) There is no one who doesnot do mistakes.
(iii) Their glory can never fade.
(iv) What is better than a busy life ?
(v) Man is a piece of work.
(vi) No one will co-operate with so bad a man.
(vii)  The parcel has been returned by them.
(viii) How horrible the thing is?

Q.8 Change the degree of comparison without changing the meaning :
(i) The elephant is the largest of all land animals.
(ii) Few animal friends are as faithful as the dog.
(iii) It is not so hot today as it yesterday.
(iv) The lion is one of the most dangerous animals.
(v) It easier to laugh at a poor man than to help him.                   (2008-09)
Ans. (i) Elephant is larger than any other of all land animal.
(ii) The dog is more faithful than most other animal friends.
(iii) Yesterday is hotter than today.
(iv) Comparative: -
Lion is more dangerous than most other animals.
Positive: -
Very few animals are as dangerous as lion.
(v) Help is not as easy as Laugh at a poor man.

Q.9 Change the degree of comparison without changing the meaning :
(i) Mt. Everest is the highest mountain (Positive degree).
(ii) The shirt is too small for me (Remove ‘too’).
(iii) It is better to starve than beg (Positive degree).    (2011 - 12)
(iv) She is less known to me (Positive degree) than you (are).      (2009-10)
(v) The garden of no other person is so green as yours. (COMPARATIVE)                 (2010 - 11)
(vi) You are taller than the rest of the boys. (SUPERLATIVE)     (2010 - 11)
Ans. (i) No other mountain is so high as Mt. Everest.
(ii) The shirt is so small that I cannot wear.
(iii) Beg is not as good as starve.
(iv) You are not as little as known by her like me.
(v) Your garden is more green than the most other persons.
(vi) You are the tallest boy.