KU - Zoology I - Unit I - 6

Q.5. Describe the economic importance of protozoa.
Ans. They are harmful as well as useful, but the harmful species are relatively smaller in number as compared with the useful species.
1. Helpful in sanitation: -
Numerous holozoic protozoa feed on putrefying bacteria in various bodies of water and thus help indirectly in the purification of water. These protozoa play an important part in the sanitary betterment and improvement of the modern civilized world in keeping water safe for drinking purpose.
2. Planktonic protozoa as food: -
Protozoa floating in the plankton of sea provide directly or indirectly the source of food supplies to man fish and other animals. Clams and young fish feed extensively on aquatic insect larvae, small crustaceans, worms, etc., all of which take protozoa as food. Thus, protozoa indirectly, which in their turn are consumed by man.
3. Symbiotic protozoa: -
Some protozoas are found in symbiotic relationship with other organism. The two partners become so dependent on each other, that one cannot get along without the other and their separation result in the death of both. Most outstanding examples of symbiotic among the Protozoa are several intestinal flagellates (Trychonympha, Colonympha etc.) of termites and woodroaches. According to Cleveland these flagellates are extremely vital for the very existence of their hosts. They digest cellulose converting it into soluble glycogen substances for their hosts as well as for themselves.
4. Oceanic ooze and fossil protozoa: -
These have been put to various commercial uses, such as filtering agents abrasives chalk building stones etc. The white chalk cliffs of Dover England and the limestone beds of Paris, Cairo and North America are composed almost exclusively of the fossil Foraminiferida. It is hard to believe that geart city of paris in indebted to these obscure animals. The great pyramids of Egypt were carved from the limestone deposits of made by tests of an early Tertian Forminiferan Nummulites. Radiolarian fossils are abundant in the hard rock of the nature of flint and chert. They also constitute a part of Tripoli Stone, which is used in abrasive powders of materials.
5. Protozoa in study: -
Protozoa are single-celled organisms, possessing forms and functions like those of metazoan cells. They are studied in laboratories for the comprehension and application of biological principles. Due to their minute size and quick reproduction, they are studied by geneticsts for heredity and variations. Study of physiology of Potozoa has contributed much to our knowledge about the physiology of animal cell.

Q.1. Which are not the locomotary organelles in protozoa
(a) Cilia (b) Pseudopodia (c) Setae (d) Flagella
Ans. (c)

Q.2. Mapacrine and paludrine drugs are used for 
(a) Malaria (b) Amoebiasis (c) Tapeworms (d) Ascariasis
Ans. (a)

Q.3. The cell anus is some protozoans is known as 
(a) Cytoproct (b) Cytostome (c) Peristome (d) Cytopharynx
Ans. (a)

Q.4. Which protozoan resembles the ancestral from which the plants and animals evolved
(a) Amoeba (b) Paramecium (c) Euglena (d) Palsmodium
Ans. (c)

Q.5. Which of the following protozoan attacks Gums in man
(a) Ebtamoeba gingivalis (b) Trichomonas
(c) Giardia (d) All the above
Ans. (a)

Q.6. Protozoan respire through
(a) Contractile vacuole (b) general surface
(c) Pseudopodia and cilia (d) All the above
Ans. (b)

Q.7. Contractile vacuole is characteristic of 
(a) Protozoa (b) Porifera (c) Collenterate (d) All of the above
Ans. (a)

Q.8. Pellicle is the covering of
(a) Paramecium (b) Plasmodium (c) Monocystis (d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

Q.9. Tentacles are found in:
(a) Stylonychna (b) Ephelota (c) Euglypha (d) Euplectella
Ans. (b)

Q.10. Class sporozoa includes parasitic protozoa in which locomotory organelles are:
(a) flagella (b) absent (c) both cilia and pseudopodia
(d) of various types
Ans. (b)

Q.11. An example of sporozoan is
(a) Elphidium (b) Monocystis (c) Difflugia (d) Vorticella
Ans. (b)

Q.12. Contractile vacuole is present
(a) in marine protozoa (b) in parasitic protozoa
(c) in fresh water protozoa (d) in all protozoa
Ans. (c)

Q.13. Which of the following do not have locomotory organelles
(a) Rhizopoda (b) Flagellate (c) Ciliata (d) Sporozoa
Ans. (d)

Q.14. Trichocysts are found in 
(a) ectoplasm of Euglena (b) ectoplasm of paramecium
(c) ectoplasm of Euglena (d) endoplasm of paramecium
Ans. (b)

Q.15. The characteristic feature of class Sporozoa is the presence of
(a) flagella (b) parasitism (c) chlorophyll (d) amoeboid movement (e) Cilia
Ans. (b)

Q.16. The phylum protozoa is divided into sub-phyla on the basis of their
(a) nuclear structure (b) locomotary structure
(c) mode of reproduction (d) mode of nutrition
(e) habitat
Ans. (b)

Q.17. The shell of Polystomella is made up of
(a) calcium carbonate (b) silicon (c) chitin
Ans. (b)

Q.18. Cytopyge is found in 
(a) Amoeba (b) Paramecium (c) Euglena (d) Trypanosoma
Ans. (d)

Q.19. Which of the following protozoans is unlikely to have a contractile vacuole?
(a) Paramecium (b) Plasmodium vivax
(c) Amoeba proteus (d) Euglena
ans. (a)

Q.20. Grand old man of the intestine is 
(a) Amoeba (b) Entamoeba (c) Trypanosoma (d) Giardia
Ans. (d)

Q.21. The disease caused by the infection of Trichomonas
(a) amoebiosis (b) kala-azar (c) sleeping sickness  (d) trichomoniasis
Ans. (d)